Recently various people have asked me if I was planning on giving a photography workshop about what I do. Not anything highly technical, but more on how I approach people on the street – especially the more challenging subjects – and how I find interesting things to shoot in apparently uninteresting surroundings.
A blog follower and professional wedding photographer, Gemma Clarke, actually organised for me to give her a ‘mentoring’ session. She got a lot out of it (see her feedback below) and I also enjoyed it (who doesn’t love rabbiting on about what they love at the same time as helping someone?).
So I’ve decided to test the waters further by giving a free workshop, together with the fabulous people who make beautiful photo books, Momento (and I’m not just saying that because they’re a sponsor of mine – their books are lush).
I’ll talk about how to approach strangers for their photograph, no matter how scary they might appear, and how to look beyond the cliched travel shot. There’ll be an interactive element (it won’t hurt) and then the lovely Libby from Momento will show you how to make a beautiful book of your own travel photos (and offer you a discount too if you’re interested in making a book).
Room is limited (40 max.) so if you’re interested, head here and reserve your seat.
I’m testing the waters with this one – if it goes well, there could be more workshops, most probably out and about in a Sydney suburb.
It should be fun. At the very least, it won’t cost you a penny, and at the very most you’ll achieve approaching-people-photographic-enlightenment and learn how to make an impressive-looking photo book. How could you resist?
Workshop details:
• 6-8pm, Wednesday October 9
• Momento Showroom
20-40 Meagher St
• Free
Act now to avoid the pain of disappointment – Reserve your seat here
Feedback from Gemma on our mentoring session:
“I run my own business as a portrait and wedding photographer. Louise’s 52 Suburbs in Sydney and also the World inspired me to take on personal projects of my own. I love how Louise brings out an amazing energy in people in her photos and yet only spends a small amount of time with these people. I wanted to know what was her secret so I contacted her asking to have a mentoring session so I could learn more about the legalities of street photography and also the approach to strangers! I gained a lot of insight from Louise but the greatest thing was an increased level of confidence to take risks because the photo is worth more than the fear of not taking the photo. Thank you Louise for making me realise that I am more than just a wedding photographer!”
SarahN says:
That’s just around the corner from my house! But I don’t want to take the in demand spots, I would like to meet you!
Louise says:
Take a spot! See you there.
Matt says:
Can’t go this time, but would love to be there if there is another chance on another day!
Peter says:
What about Melbourne?
Louise says:
Would love to. I’ve been wanting to get back down there ever since we left in February. Will see if I can make it work.
Neil says:
Hi Louise,
I can’t make this slot either – but would love to join any future event if your in the mood to repeat it.
steve says:
Would love to do it if you get to Melbourne.
Lisa Mulligan says:
Dammit! I missed out :(
Matthew says:
Hi Louise
I would absolutely love to attend but sadly would be away. Please organise another workshop.
Lisa Pires says:
Sold out before I could get in! I would absolutely love to go, will you be doing any more or is there a way I could be put on a waiting list in case anyone cancels?!
Christine says:
Sounds fabulous…and just up my “alley” :)
But I’m in Perth.
Will you please come here one day too
Carolyn says:
I would love to be there but I am in Perth too! Please come and do a session here …………:)
Louise says:
dear all – So sorry if you missed out. As I said, if this one goes well and people get a lot out of it, I’ll do more. So stay tuned. (And yes, I’ll look into doing some in other cities around the country – you know I like to travel!)
Aimee says:
Argh! Missed the opp., and couldn’t make the date. Please do consider offering other workshops! Keep me on the list! :)
Janie says:
I replied as soon as I saw the email but already booked out, I was too slow! Also love Momento – made heaps of books. Please do another one in Sydney – thanks
Catherine says:
Would love to do this workshop! Please put on the waiting list for the next one! Thanks.
Toni Mostyn says:
I love this idea! Hope to meet you at the next one that you offer. Cheers.
melina says:
Brisbane please? happy to put you up!
Louise says:
That’s so kind! It would be so much fun to do a touring workshop. Will think on it.
SarahN says:
Went to Museum of Sydney today – so glad you had a weekly blog, so much more on the blog, naturally! I commented in the visitors book too. I will need to see when my first game of water polo for the season is, it might clash, but if not, and there’s still spaces, I’ll be there!
Louise says:
No more spaces I’m afraid Sarah. But I’ll probably be doing more workshops so stay tuned.
Wendy says:
Have you considered running the workshop on line?
Jackie Nolan says:
Would love to go to a workshop on this subject.
Maybe more will be offered in the future!
Rebecca Webb says:
would love to go if you do another in Sydney please.
Felicity says:
I’ve missed out on this one. Please could you do another one soon?
Trudie Hurt says:
I missed out on this one also but please keep me in the loop if running another in Sydney.
Mel says:
Any chance of one in Sydney in late Dec / early Jan?
I’m O/S until then!
mark says:
what about one for us down in melbourne?
SarahN says:
I gather you’re not in the Ukraine – I got a very fishy email asking for cash from you – so I thought i’d let you know :( Spam be bad.
Louise says:
Been hacked apparently. Know nothing about this. I can’t access my gmail now. Do you know what I should do?? Hacked and helpless!
Louise says:
Okay, I’ve calmed down now. Had to cancel gmail account and have let people know that I am not in the Ukraine in need of their moola. Will post tomorrow morning letting people know. Boring hackers be gone!
natalie says:
Hi Louise
I’ve just received an email from, which has been hacked. Hope you manage to get into the account and save it!
Louise says:
aghh!! I can’t get into my account now. Any ideas what I should do? Thanks!
SarahN says:
Yay for a blog that wasn’t hacked though – and a way to let you know. Not that I don’t love your work, but I doubt you’d out of the blue ask for a couple of thousand from a reader!!
Louise says:
That would be pushing the friendship huh?! Thanks Sarah.
Paul says:
I just discovered this and your original 52 Suburbs blog Louise. Such inspiring work!